1. Open the translator by double-clicking on the application's icon or, highlight the icon and then select "Open" from the File menu. When the splash screen appears, click on it to continue.
2. When the program opens, it will display the file selection dialog. Locate and select the ClarisCad file that you would like to translate and press the "Open" button.
3. During the translation period, the CC2MC splash screen will appear along with the name of the file being translated. When translation is complete, you will be returned to the selection dialog. At this point you can either continue translating files or press "Quit" to return to the Finder.
4. To open a translated file, open MiniCad+ with a clean, untitled document. Select Import- Text Format from the File menu. The file will then come into the program ready for your use.
The ClarisCad Translator is not meant to be a perfect pathway between these two programs. It is meant to be an aid for those with a need for basic information transfer. All information may not come across in it's entirety.
Other than this translator, there are three other methods for translating files to MiniCad+: DXF, PICT and Copy & Paste. All have their individual problems, but one may give you better results over another. You will need to experiment to find the one that works for you.
General Break Down:
- Certain fills will not translate across.
- Certain line styles may switch to the solid line style.
- File names must be no longer than twenty (20) characters long in order for the program to accept it for translation.
- Rotated text will not come across at this time.
- MiniCad+ handles scales differently than ClarisCad. Claris files should fit the following criteria to translate properly:
a) Scales can be set per layer or for the entire file in a 1:# relationship only.
b) There is no translation for scale per object present. All objects will come in at one scale depending on the layer they are on.
c) Scales must stay within the same units.
- Fill patterns are not retained in the file.
- Text will default to Geneva or Helvetica and may shift from original location.
- Scans are removed from the file.
- Objects come in but resolution is going to be lost (72 DPI). Objects are not measurably correct in most cases.
Copy/ Paste: Same as PICT.
If you have a questions, please contact Technical Support.